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Insurance & Employee Benefits News

The Private Employer Vaccine Mandate Has Been Withdrawn. Now What?

The Private Employer Vaccine Mandate Has Been Withdrawn. Now What?

Employers across the country have been watching closely to learn whether and when they would need to comply with federal mandates requiring COVID-19 vaccinations or tests for employees. Earlier this month, your clients got some answers — but no simple path forward....

How to Design a Powerhouse Team

How to Design a Powerhouse Team

If you’re creating a new team or restructuring one you already have, you could do worse than look at fast-food teams for inspiration. You probably won’t be mimicking the particular functions, roles, or processes of those teams, but there’s nevertheless a lot to learn...

How to Streamline Open Enrollment with Technology

How to Streamline Open Enrollment with Technology

Open enrollment represents that period of time when benefits brokers truly earn their keep. Even during the months leading up to open enrollment, brokers have to put a ton of time and effort into preparations. Are you preparing for what you know is coming in November?...

Does Your Business Need a Cyber Insurance Policy?

Does Your Business Need a Cyber Insurance Policy?

Data breaches, cyber extortion, and system hacking: three things your IT, PR, and legal departments dread. What do they have in common? All of these variations of cybercrimes can lead to real problems for businesses and their customers if sensitive information is...

1,200 Small Businesses Told Us Their Biggest Stressors

1,200 Small Businesses Told Us Their Biggest Stressors

It comes as no surprise that small businesses are feeling a lot of stress right now. A recent survey of over 1,200 small and midsize businesses—conducted from August 27th to September 8th—found staffing shortages, retention, and COVID remain chief concerns. Below are...

National Disability Employment Awareness Month

National Disability Employment Awareness Month

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). Declared in 1988 by the United States Congress (though its roots go back to 1945 when Congress urged employment for WWII servicemembers with disabilities), NDEAM is a good occasion for us to celebrate...